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Fresh Start Program

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Swift Tattoo Removal are proud to be the Victorian representatives of Adelaide based LaserTat’s Fresh Start Program, which offers free tattoo removal assistance to people who really need it the most.

The first program of its kind in Australia, which was created by Amanda McKinnon, owner of Adelaide's LaserTat, is a community-minded initiative ensuring that laser tattoo removal is accessible for all. We are particularly passionate about assisting people who aren’t in a position to access or pay for tattoo removal, but do have the courage to become a better version of themselves. Anyone that meets any of the below criteria is strongly encouraged to apply for the Fresh Start Program by filling in the form below.

— Survivors of domestic violence, immigration detention or human trafficking, tattooed against their will

— People who have recently completed a jail sentence and want to move forward from their past

— People with visible or offensive tattoos (face, neck, hands, head etc) that can’t secure employment

— Ex-gang/bikie members who don’t want to be affiliated with that club or gang in the future —

— People with racist tattoos, who desperately want to remove their past beliefs from their skin

— Children and teenagers under 18 who have been tattooed without their permission 

— Radiation tattoo marks from cancer treatment or medical marks on skin

— Must be located in Victoria or willing to travel to our clinic at own expense


Is your tattoo in relation to one of the following:

Terms and conditions(required)

By filling out this form of consent I understand that this free procedure is only for people in extreme circumstances who need removal to kickstart a fresh start at life. This can include tattoo removal of visible areas (hands, neck and face), offensive tattoos or tattoos that are a harsh reminder of an unfortunate circumstance from the past. I also understand that tattoo removal is a process that requires more than one treatment. If successful, I agree to attend each and every scheduled appointment on time. If an appointment is not kept or cancelled with 48 hours’ notice (with the exception of extreme circumstances), I will be immediately terminated from the program to allow for another committed applicant to take my place.

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